Thursday, September 23, 2010

My new Love!

I have a new love in my life that is less than 24 hours old! No it has not surpassed my husband (nothing could)! But let me start at the beginning...

I was shopping on my credit card score points website the other day looking for a gift for my husband's upcoming birthday gift (last year I cashed in & got him some super cool luggage). When I couldn't find anything that was good enough for him (okay so the truth is that I was really finding too many great items that I really needed), I came across an espresso machine. I added it to my wish list, as I do anything that I come across that seems mildly interesting to determine later if it worthy of my points.

When I finally got to the point that I was ready to choose from the final list, I narrowed it down to the espresso machine & an alarm clock. I guess those two items fit together, one wakes me up & the other really wakes me up!

So I got home last night from work & saw the box sitting on our front porch! I was so excited I believe the noise yippieyeahwhooo came out of my mouth! I immediately set it up. I was so excited I even followed the directions in the before 1st use guide! My first espresso drink was a cafe mocha, & it was amazing! The possibilities are endless: Lattes with caramel, vanilla, chai, & bears oh my!

Now I am thinking that one isn't enough, my office could totally use one (can you imagine: Lattes all day long?!) They would make great gifts (for pretty much everyone I know)! Now I just need like 100,000 more points on my credit card before Christmas to get one for everyone! Mission identified: I'm on it!

This morning my version of double fisting is caramel latte in one hand & a chai tea latte in the other. I have a feeling that this glorious device will make Monday morning a feel like a Friday!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why are toddlers so much cooler than me?

Sitting in church the other day, I was attentively listening to the sermon, when I became distracted by all the very adorable children at our church! As I was kinder-gazing, I realized that pretty much all of the toddlers at our church are cooler than I am!

One little girl had on the coolest outfit: a longer shirt with a pair of leggings, matched with a metallic pair of flats! Not to mention her hair was styled so that just the middle part of the top of her hair was pulled together with a hair band sticking straight up! I could never get away with that hair style! Even with some extra padding in the form of a diaper, she looked better in that outfit that I would!

Another little boy had the coolest bottle I have ever seen. It was one of those non-plastic bpb free metal looking bottles. I don't even have one of those as a regular water bottles. I am a serious earth saver slacker compared to this tot! If I had one of those bottles I can just imagine how much more milk I would drink out of it! I now have that type of water bottle on my next shopping list, just so I can look half as cool as that kid!

Another child had a special Cheerios container that dispensed cheerios into your hand with very spiffy packaging that announced to the whole world that this baby was already working to lower their cholesterol! It is like saying hey everyone, look at me, & the health food I am eating! No more Tupperware containers with regular old cereal! Come to think of it, maybe I don't really want everyone to know what I am eating all the time (although that would be a great weight loss plan)!

Can you imagine how cool I would be if I was a toddler?! Pretty cool...well until I needed my diaper changed!