Monday, November 15, 2010

I want to have a shopping experience like this!

Check out the clip below to see how some Macy's customers were the audience for the Hallelujah Chorus!

Monday, November 8, 2010

CNN Hero's of the year

For some reason every time I hear a story about child trafficking, or stories about sex slaves, it really has an impact on me. This year the CNN Hero's of 2010 has one woman who has been working in Nepal to stop human trafficking, her name is Anuradha Koirala.

Please go to the following website to vote for her, or another for CNN's Hero of the Year!

Monday, October 11, 2010


There are many fears I have in life, the fear of death, fear of huge heights, fear of finances, fear of not just growing old, but growing old & losing my mind, fear of not being the great wife that my husband deserves. But the biggest fear that is plaguing me right now is the fear of kids! No, not your kids, not kids I see out in public, but the fear of having my own kids!

As my husband & I contemplate the distant future, I have realized how selfish I am! Having children requires giving up A LOT! I have had dreams of traveling & seeing the sights of the world. Taking weekend trips with my husband barely happen now, let alone if & when we have kids! I want to save money for retirement plus money just to have for savings sake. These kids can cost a lot, I mean day care alone is at least a $4 per hour pay deduction, plus insurance for them, additional insurance for us, the clothes that they will just keep growing out of, not to mention the raising cost of education & college savings for them!

There are weeks now when I feel that I can't get anything done. The laundry barely get done (let alone put away), the kitchen stays a mess, the bathrooms don't get cleaned. How will I ever accomplish any of this when I have children? The house cleaning fears bring in my OCD fears too: what if my husband doesn't fold our kids clothes correctly, or worse, what if it gets so bad that I don't fold them correctly either!?

I have been listening to a book on tape called Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert (also author of Eat Pray Love). It is supposed to be about how & why she got married for a second time, but I am finding that I am hearing more about why she didn't want to have children. She has interviewed many women all over the world. Most of the women in other countries have had children because it was not only expected of them but because they also didn't have access to contraceptives like us USA women do. The women who haven't had children (by choice) in the US talk about how happy they are & glad that they didn't have to give up their careers for their children. The women who have had children seem to say, yes I love my kids, but I don't know if it was worth it. I am sure there are many days my mother would have said that, I'm not sure what her response would be now. Most of the women Ms. Gilbert talks to who have had children that are grown & have left the house say that they are currently the most happy they have ever been. They can have real conversations with their spouses, they aren't as financially strained, they are more free to have hobbies, all due to the lack of kids in their house. Is it really worth it?

But then there are those moments when I see a baby in church or out in public & I make eye contact with that child & there is something so soothing about it. That internal clock starts a ticking & the I find myself longing for a baby. I can just see it now, how cute our baby would be, he or she would be so smart like my husband, have my complexion, his cute accent, My nose & chin God willing, both of our orneriness. Our child would be the one in church saying something up front that makes the whole congregation laugh.

I know that my parents & my in-laws would both enjoy grandchildren (though they haven't pushed us in any way, or outright said it - except when my then boyfriend asked my parents in the early morning for my hand in marriage & my mother gleefully replied I want grand babies!) I mean honestly, I would enjoy being a grandparent, who wouldn't! All the fun of little kids that you can have an impact on growing up, doing all the fun stuff, but not having to necessarily discipline them, being able to send them home with their parents at the end of the day, not having to get up at all hours of the night to feed or take care of them. I can't wait to be a grandparent!

But first I have to get over my fears (though not anytime soon)! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

My Generation

With the start of the new show My Generation which takes a group of classmates that graduated in 2000 and shows where they are now. When you were in high school, where did you see yourself in 10 years? What were you voted most likely to do/be? I was voted most likely to host a naked cooking show. The good Lord was looking out for me when he gave me clothes and an apron to wear when I cooked all that bacon!

When I graduated, I had all kinds of lofty dreams - some were good, some were not. Many of the things I have accompolished I never dreamed could happen to that girl from the farm in Iowa! Just to name a few, I traveled to Spain Sola right after graduating high school, I met some great people from all over the world in the last 11 years (many of whom I unfortunately do not keep in contact with - regretably), I was in the military, I learned how to shoot a gun, I did some cool stuff, I finally graduated college, I pay my taxes, I am learning to can (thanks to my husband), I have a good job, best of all: I met a wonderful man and got him to marry me!

Like my Professional Motherhood blogger, I could look back and say the things that I would like to tell the high school version of myself. Just a few things. First off, you do have a great personality, and yes that is more important that looks. Second off, you are also good looking. You just need some better fashion sense (don't worry, that will come later). Don't listen to boys that say, well really anything to you. Wait until you know who you are before you let others tell you who you are. Also GREAT choice on your prom dress, you looked fantastic! Lastly, and this is most important, so pay attention: You are skinny (senior year you will be the thinnest you will ever be, even during military training) - You DO NOT NEED to take laxatives, they are not good for you. You are beautiful with out them. Your future husband will love you even when you are 50 lbs heavier than you are then!

Now with all that said, where do I see myself 10 years from now? What do I want to say to my 40 year old self? Remember your husband is a good father, even if he frusterates you sometimes, he loves you, you love him, and he loves your children.

Your kids will turn out alright, just as long as you continue to give them the fundamentals, respect, a little space, but let them know you are there for them. Let them be their own person. Be a good role model. Never quit learning. Learn from your children. Don't be afraid be make a fool of yourself!

Don't focus on the little things. Appreciate the moments. Take the time to work on your marriage! Do nice things for him. Remember to give him kisses often! When problems arise attack the problems as a team (don't attack eachother)!

Live Laugh Love, and see how far that gets you! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My new Love!

I have a new love in my life that is less than 24 hours old! No it has not surpassed my husband (nothing could)! But let me start at the beginning...

I was shopping on my credit card score points website the other day looking for a gift for my husband's upcoming birthday gift (last year I cashed in & got him some super cool luggage). When I couldn't find anything that was good enough for him (okay so the truth is that I was really finding too many great items that I really needed), I came across an espresso machine. I added it to my wish list, as I do anything that I come across that seems mildly interesting to determine later if it worthy of my points.

When I finally got to the point that I was ready to choose from the final list, I narrowed it down to the espresso machine & an alarm clock. I guess those two items fit together, one wakes me up & the other really wakes me up!

So I got home last night from work & saw the box sitting on our front porch! I was so excited I believe the noise yippieyeahwhooo came out of my mouth! I immediately set it up. I was so excited I even followed the directions in the before 1st use guide! My first espresso drink was a cafe mocha, & it was amazing! The possibilities are endless: Lattes with caramel, vanilla, chai, & bears oh my!

Now I am thinking that one isn't enough, my office could totally use one (can you imagine: Lattes all day long?!) They would make great gifts (for pretty much everyone I know)! Now I just need like 100,000 more points on my credit card before Christmas to get one for everyone! Mission identified: I'm on it!

This morning my version of double fisting is caramel latte in one hand & a chai tea latte in the other. I have a feeling that this glorious device will make Monday morning a feel like a Friday!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why are toddlers so much cooler than me?

Sitting in church the other day, I was attentively listening to the sermon, when I became distracted by all the very adorable children at our church! As I was kinder-gazing, I realized that pretty much all of the toddlers at our church are cooler than I am!

One little girl had on the coolest outfit: a longer shirt with a pair of leggings, matched with a metallic pair of flats! Not to mention her hair was styled so that just the middle part of the top of her hair was pulled together with a hair band sticking straight up! I could never get away with that hair style! Even with some extra padding in the form of a diaper, she looked better in that outfit that I would!

Another little boy had the coolest bottle I have ever seen. It was one of those non-plastic bpb free metal looking bottles. I don't even have one of those as a regular water bottles. I am a serious earth saver slacker compared to this tot! If I had one of those bottles I can just imagine how much more milk I would drink out of it! I now have that type of water bottle on my next shopping list, just so I can look half as cool as that kid!

Another child had a special Cheerios container that dispensed cheerios into your hand with very spiffy packaging that announced to the whole world that this baby was already working to lower their cholesterol! It is like saying hey everyone, look at me, & the health food I am eating! No more Tupperware containers with regular old cereal! Come to think of it, maybe I don't really want everyone to know what I am eating all the time (although that would be a great weight loss plan)!

Can you imagine how cool I would be if I was a toddler?! Pretty cool...well until I needed my diaper changed!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Walmart is not a Daycare Center

I normally try to avoid Wal-Mart unless it is before 9:00am. This weekend however I had to make an afternoon trip to the dreaded store. My husband & I were planning on doing some canning & needed more supplies, so I was a good wife & volunteered to go - Big Mistake!

Since I don't have any kids, I had totally forgotten that it is back to school season! Kids were running around everywhere. It seemed like there were 10 kids for every adult in the store! Half of the time there was a kid that seemed to be unattended. People, Wal-Mart is NOT a daycare center! It is a place of business. Kids were crying "mommy I want this, mommy I want that"! Dejected parents everywhere replied, okay sonny, I will let you have the high sugar no good for you candy, but only if you behave".

I also find it hard to believe that it is "good parenting" to allow your adorable child to scream & throw a tantrum in the middle of the store, while you are standing 10 feet away saying okay little "Billy" come to mommy (wait 10 seconds & repeat). If I decided that I really wanted some Nutterbutters, but Wal-Mart was all out of them & threw a fit, none of you would be understanding of my predicament, & let me tell you why: You would expect that as a 29 year old at some point in my life my mommy would have taken me out back & gave me a good spanking (back in the “good ole days”), then when Dad got home he would have had a talking to with me until I was so sorry for my actions that with tears streaming down my face I had promised never ever to behave like that in public again. I have kept that promise to my father ever since! The point is, you have to make your child understand consequences to their actions at some point in their life, tantrums are the perfect time to start!

Now, I don't proclaim to be an expert on any subject (mainly due to the fact that once I have proven my valid point, my husband will retort with a wittier one, or at least a louder one), however, I do have a few tips from an innocent bystander point of view. First off, you may think that you are doing your child a favor by packing their lunch for them so they don't have to eat the icky school food, but let me tell you that Lunchables are NOT a sufficient substitute for their growing bodies! Do you have any idea not only how much crap is in those prepackaged "meals", or for that matter, how much fat is in them!? Hello, there is a reason why childhood obesity has become a national security issue! Have you considered actually taking the time to make the lunch yourself? I know this is a difficult concept to the instant gratification generations that we are becoming, but you can purchase a whole chicken & slow roast it on a Saturday, or Sunday to make sandwiches with. I have a great brine recipe (thanks to my mommy) that even my husband has said is some of the best chicken he has ever had. At least include some fresh fruit, vegetables, or yogurt in their bags. I know, I know, you are thinking, if only this blogger had a clue as to how little time there is in a day when you have children. My reply to you is, have you considered how counterproductive it is to cart your kids around to their soccer, football, basketball, swimming, or even jump roping practices if you can't be bothered to provide them with wholesome nourishment for their growing bodies, & developing brains? So please people, if you can't give your children a worthy lunch, you might as well feed them on McDonald's every meal. Help me in getting Lunchables off the shelves!

At least now that school is back in session I wont have to hear the annoying chimes of the ice cream truck. I will be grateful for this until I am running late to an early meeting at work & have to stop for a school bus waiting for a child to come running out of their house. It is a good thing these kids don’t have my bus driver who would only slow down if we weren’t standing by the drive way, then assume that since we knew the bus would be there every day at 7:05am, & we weren’t waiting there for her, that we must not be going to school that day. Oh the good old days…

Until next time, please do remember to slow down in school zones (no more than 10 miles over the speed limit ), & you must stop for school busses when they are picking up or dropping off children (even if this means you start off your day cursing silently to yourself in your car). Children are our future afterall!